Elmore County Sheriff's Office, Activity Report for Feb. 24 - March 2, 2010
(Sirens ~ 03/03/10)
February 24 01:09 Assist, MH 03:16 Recover Stolen Vehicle, MH 04:04 Collision Property Damage, I-84 EB MM108 04:17 Slide Off, Hwy 20 MM114 05:30 Collision Property Damage, I-84 EB MM95 05:53 Slide Off, I-84 EB MM95 06:18 Slide Off, I-84 WB MM107 07:01 Slide Off, Hwy 20 07:20 Collision Property Damage, MH 07:21 Slide Off, Hwy 30 07:28 Slide Off, I-84 WB MM116 07:33 Collision Personal Injury, I-84 WB MM124 07:44 Slide Off, Hwy 30 07:48 Slide Off, Hwy 20 MM115 07:54 Slide Off, I-84 EB MM106.8 07:54 Slide Off, I-84 EB MM123.5 08:00 Slide Off 08:02 Slide Off, I-84 WB MM129 08:09 Suspicious, Hwy 30 08:21 Slide Off, Hwy 20 09:08 Slide Off, I-84 WB MM115 10:12 Collision Property Damage 10:13 Slide Off, I-84 WB MM114 13:21 Slide Off 14:55 VIN Inspection 16:28 Motorist Assist 17:46 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 30 19:31 Vehicle Stop, I-84 EB MM112 20:10 Collision Unkown, Hwy 30. ...
Application puts WECRD in tight spot
(Local News ~ 03/03/10)
A deadlocked vote during a public meeting Wednesday delayed a decision on whether to amend or withdraw a federal funding request submitted by the Western Elmore County Recreation District. The $1.5 million request sent to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development came under fire by an independent community group evaluating plans to build a community recreation center in Mountain Home...
Stories from Wednesday, March 3, 2010
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