Herding Cats

Thursday, August 27, 2009

In the quest for personal identity, many of us followed our dream to be a cowboy. We soon found it to be long hours, lots of work, yet our work was our life's joy.We rode long many hours in the saddle, gathering cattle and fixing fence for miles. Working in the rain, hail, and snowstorms, still brings up memories with a smile.

All of those quiet times of riding or working all alone, keeps a fella's mind to thinking. You fill your life on learning all that must be done, others waste their life by drinking. Are there bigger things for me to do, besides the adventures of cowboying in my life?Others seem to find their goal, by having a family, but that would mean taking on a wife.

It is understood from wise men of days of old, that all women need a guiding hand in life.So they need a man's direction to become all they can be, making a good n proper wife. Training horses and mules is part of what we do, some have trained other animals too.So I decided then and there, that training women would be easy as helping her tie her shoe.

Well I found me a pretty young lady, Rose would be easy to look at for all of days of life. Why shucks she already could sit a horse, n cook, the fundamentals of making of a wife. Things were looking pretty good for her. She even likes to keep all things clean and neat.I must admit I was proud of myself, the lady I had chosen for me was so cute and sweet.

We got married in a little church, after a reasonable time of courting to check her out. There she took her oath n promised to honor and obey, I was so happy I could shout. She always seemed to do everything right, yet I knew I could always make things better.I asked her about a glass of ice tea she made for me, " Could you try to make it wetter?"

Now I saw a little wrinkle come on her brow, yet she did not show anger at my request. Rose simply turned to me, smiled and said, " My dear I'll try real hard to do my best."I felt inside I had made some gains, I'll have a best seller, soon as get all this wrote down. I'll train my wife to be the model for all women, I'll even be the envy of every town.

A wise man once told me that I should not even start this great idea of training my wife.He said it was given up centuries ago, and I should listen if I wanted a happy married life."When they take the oath to honor and obey, they think things should be right and even fair. That sort of limits a man's ideas of training them, so he best not even take it on as a dare."

"I think you really best leave this idea alone, smarter fella's than you have tried and tried. They mostly lived what seemed like a long miserable life, while the lucky ones just died. Truth is, he continued, you can train lots of God's creatures, from birds to long tailed rats. You can train elephants, n tigers, but when it comes to training women, it's a whole lot like herding cats."

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