Political Incorrectness of a One-legged Man
Frank Morano

What you see is what you get.

Posted Saturday, September 11, 2010, at 4:00 PM
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    Sorry baz, I don't believe that. Politicians are a different breed of people and I think that they would "go for the gold", even with a limited term. Make the contacts, add as much pork as possible to bills to help insure re-election, etc. Status Quo.

    Generally speaking, they want the office, and really aren't interested in their constituents interests unless they're corporations. I obviously have a poor opinion of politicians, but nothing up to date contradicts that, in my opinion.

    I also don't believe that anything will change even with any kind of super civilian majority or militaristic move against the government, not that I'm saying that's what you're insinuating.

    -- Posted by Franco8274 on Sun, Sep 12, 2010, at 9:06 AM
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    Well, knowing how the Muslims grant no right to religious freedom and also knowing that it could possibly cost the lives of some innocent American citizens, I oppose burning the Koran. These people are so ignorant and opposed to anyone "offending" their "God", so as to turn to violence. I don't believe it's worth the potential cost.

    I also have to look at the motivation of doing this. Is it just to stir up trouble from the Muslim population here in America? What could be the purpose other than that? It just doesn't seem worth it to me. The truth is, let them build their "victory" mosque wherever they want to. It means nothing to we that understand the truth of the situation. Those Muslims are living in the sixth century and their mindset is one of barbarism and intolerance. From what I understand, the man that was going to do that has changed his mind and won't. To me, that's a good thing for our country. Just brush them off as barbaric heathens.

    -- Posted by Franco8274 on Tue, Sep 14, 2010, at 10:52 AM
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