Kim's Comments
Kim Kovac

Science Czar: John Holdren

Posted Tuesday, July 28, 2009, at 8:50 AM
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  • I am commenting on my own blog! I forgot to give my hand approval for the Green Czar or the Science Czar. Since both remind me of Nazi terrorists, I give them both a big "THUMBS DOWN! The Green Giant wants to further his own race, excluding the "white-oppression" which certainly seems like a reverse Nazi idea. and nobody cares because it's not like he thinks the white race needs aboost. That would be racist! and the science Nazi just wants to give animals rights because they are more precious than us. And he wants to figure out ways to keep the population down. Everyone can be targeted for sterilization! Woman on welfare with kids or every unwed teenage pregnant girl gives him justification to sterilize them. And every woman who is married with a child should be implanted with a contraceptive device. But it's not a loss of freedom cause those women who are rich and can afford it are more than welcome to have it surgically removed to have a child but would be required to have it re-implanted after birth. Has anyone read what this man has written about? Does anyone know who Obama has given power to? People need to know and respond with outrage! (time: 6:50)

    -- Posted by kimkovac on Wed, Jul 29, 2009, at 7:52 AM
  • Lowering the population is not the panacea to all problems. Germany, Russia, and now Japan are being faced with the issue of not having enough population to support their proud countries.

    C'mon BM, sterilizing liberals. there are lots of non-liberals who are a perfectly good waste of sperm and oxygen molecules as well so why not sterilize them as well.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Fri, Jul 31, 2009, at 12:38 PM
  • In those countries, the situation is a bit different. I wont bore everyone but their societies have accepted being socialized and so have expectations. To meet those expectations, the population has to remain steady or grow. They are declining. They do not have enough young labor and so have to import workers. This is unpopular but roads dont build themselves as we all know.

    I am a lifelong resident of the area and I remember when Boise only had about 30000. I am not sure that I like the present state of things. I am always surprised that Mtn. Home grew as it did because it is one of the least scenic places that I have ever been.

    I agree that a lot of this growth is all in the name of the dollar. This growth may be inevitable but I am not sure if it is "needed".

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Sat, Aug 1, 2009, at 10:48 AM
  • -- Posted by DaveThompson on Sun, Aug 30, 2009, at 10:07 PM
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