Anybody Clear That With Us?

Posted Saturday, December 20, 2008, at 6:32 PM
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  • Maybe we'll even see another rally in Idaho. That is, only if it is advertised.

    -- Posted by MrMister on Sat, Dec 20, 2008, at 11:33 PM
  • *


    What will you say when the CSA does not perform as you have predicted? You seem to think that the CSA will be our savior but I have my doubts until they prove themselves in some fashion.

    -- Posted by B Mullen on Sun, Dec 21, 2008, at 9:52 AM
  • Why would they ask us? 80-85% of us "voted" for NO bailout for Wall Street and the banks. 90% "voted" to not help the "Big Three." What did they do...did it anyway of course because the house of cards was going to fall and life as we knew it would end! So, now they have their money and they CONTINUE to cut record numbers of jobs. So, they have money in the bank and now save on payroll which in the end will cost us billions (unemployment, uninsured people, etc.). We gave AIG money not once but 2 times even after what they did...and then they turned around and did it again but said the "sponsors" would be covering the second spa field trip. Those "sponsors" were us, the American people! Why do people that run a company into the ground need so many vacations? They cannot work that hard if they are in the mess they are in. It would appear, in reality, that they really suck at what they do and may want to consider other lines of work---NOT management (or mismanagement). Nope. They move on to other jobs and make more money.

    At this point---another party---cannot be ANY worse than what we have. This is not a democratic society, we are ruled. Nobody listens to the people but...the people and at times not even then.

    Chicago news is reporting that the story on the senate seat and Obama's knowledge on the matter will be let out of the bag on Monday. Yeah right. Now, Warren will speak for Obama on the big day. Why is it that "religious leaders" speak of tolerance and forgiveness yet stone homosexuals, people who choose to have abortions, people who believe in evolution, etc.? Does tolerance and forgiveness only apply to certain things? Why is it that Mr. Obama seems to surround himself with terrorists and racists and some of the most corrupt and dishonest people in the name of "change?" You are what you surround yourself with and so far, Mr. Obama's "flock" represents some of the most dishonest people in politics. But hey, change is on the way!

    Now, after the election, troops will remain in Iraq far longer than what Obama stated. He states he will "create" millions and millions of jobs...just not right away because "change" takes time. Biden states he will "change the face of the office of Vice President." Hmmmmm. This could be fun. Change is ahead for sure. Our Government now owns major portions of our banks and now 3 auto makers. Soon, they will have us on our knees---we are just about there. Yes Virginia, the U.S. is a lot like Cuba but it is change we can believe in. I am going to be sick, too much "change" for one day.

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Sun, Dec 21, 2008, at 11:48 AM
  • Ayrey,

    Below, I've posted the definition of "advertise" as written in the Merriam-Webster dictionary. For the life of me, I can't find anywhere in that definiton where it says "you'll just hae (we all know you meant have)to have ebough (again, we all know you meant enough) brains to find it. Seems to me, if something is advertised, noone would have to look for it, it would be presented to them. Now, if someone SAYS that something will be advertised, just to try and drum up support for their fantasy, that's another story.

    For the record, I am interested in what this party might be able to do: What I'm not interested in, is someone continually promoting their agenda by way of misinformation.

    Think I'll just take Fly's advice and let it go for awhile. Any mile, Merry Christmas wolf.


    Sorry to taint your blog, but I've just got to call it like I see it.

    ad·ver·tise (dvr-tz)

    Main Entry: ad·ver·tise

    Pronunciation: \ˈad-vər-ˌt"z\

    Function: verb

    Inflected Form(s): ad·ver·tised; ad·ver·tis·ing

    Etymology: Middle English, to pay heed to, observe, notify, from Anglo-French advertiss-, stem of advertir

    Date: 15th century

    transitive verb

    1: to make something known to : notify

    2 a: to make publicly and generally known b: to announce publicly especially by a printed notice or a broadcast c: to call public attention to especially by emphasizing desirable qualities so as to arouse a desire to buy or patronize : promote

    -- Posted by MrMister on Sun, Dec 21, 2008, at 5:27 PM
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