Is He or Isn't He?

Posted Thursday, November 20, 2008, at 10:36 AM
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  • Check out this link:

    Hal Turner is a racist, but the guy is also a bloodhound when it comes to finding compelling political stories. While I cannot condone his racial bent, I check his site frequently for news that never gets reported on MSM.

    -- Posted by Benjogilvy on Thu, Nov 20, 2008, at 12:21 PM
  • The things that make you go hmmmmmmmm.

    It has been stated that "we" did not vote for number 1 but really voted for number 2. It may come true yet. Interesting story this deal is. Guess the vett crew was not so good if this proves to be true. What a mess!! It will probably all be hushed or where the records are stored will burn to the ground. The truth on this will probably never see the light of day.

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Thu, Nov 20, 2008, at 4:34 PM
  • I did address this, back in a comment on Nov. 8, on your "One if by Land, Two if by Sea" post.

    Should I repeat myself? He's provided copies of his birth certificate verified by independent groups and only doubted by people with questionable agendas and his birth announcement was in the Hawaiian newspapers.

    Should I elaborate? among others maintains the birth certificate is authentic, his birth announcement was in August,1961 editions of the Honolulu Advertiser and the Star Bulletin, and Philip Berg also doesn't believe al-Qaida was behind 9/11 and has tried to sue the government into "admitting" as much.

    Or should I ask? If Berg didn't have standing to bring the birth certificate conspiracy theory suit to court in Pennsylvania - and it was ruled he didn't - how will Alan Keyes have standing in California under the Ninth Circuit? And to what extent SHOULD we have the legal right to allege someone's foreign-born and force them to legally prove otherwise? Do Keyes and Berg even care about the implications of setting this precedent? When have we required a candidate prove citizenship - as you charge we've done, and how is that statute being circumvented? And, where was John McCain born?

    Or should I answer?. He won't - it's just grandstanding, we shouldn't, they don't, most likely never and hence there's no legal expectation for Obama to do differently, and Panama.

    -- Posted by ExInternMike on Fri, Nov 21, 2008, at 1:50 AM
  • "Risk his reputation and career?" Huh? Alan Keyes? He's lost each of the five races he's been in. In two of them he only garnered 1 percent. Barack Obama kept him under 30 percent. He ran for the presidential nomination of a party that doesn't believe women should be guaranteed the right to vote and lost. He's best known to most voters as a character from "Borat." He's never held a job that requires ANY type of binding decision, not senator, congressman, governor, mayor, or military officer - he's been an ambassador to a committee of the UN the UN ignores.

    -- Posted by ExInternMike on Fri, Nov 21, 2008, at 1:59 AM
  • Oh, I missed the part on an early read where you addressed McCain's birthplace. My mistake.

    But on a similar note, in 2000 both Bush and Cheney legally resided in Texas. Under the Constitution, electors in the electoral college are prohibited from voting solely for presidential and vice-presidential candidates from their state. None of these supposed Constitutional sticklers raised a peep over how Cheney's wealth papered it over when Texas unconstitutionally cast 32 or so electoral votes for that ticket.

    -- Posted by ExInternMike on Fri, Nov 21, 2008, at 2:04 AM
  • Dear Mike, you probably will choose not to believe this, but I just stumbled across it.

    -- Posted by senior lady on Fri, Nov 21, 2008, at 11:31 AM
  • Of course he won't believe, Senior Lady, he'd rather believe someone - Berg - who also wants to let bin Laden off the hook for 9/11.

    Obama has released a copy of his birth certificate. He doesn't need to release any more records because he probably recognizes his critics on this matter will not be satisfied. He could release his medical records and let Berg and Keyes assault the right to privacy and they'd STILL swear the records had in some way been tampered with. Because their goal is NOT to verify Obama's country of birth, it's to find some way, any way, to invalidate the election and put in a candidate who wants to erode liberties like they do.

    Because Alan Keyes is no friend to the Constitution. Where was he when two New York ministers were arrested in 2004 for freely exercising their religion, as protected under the First Amendment? He was and is on the wrong side of the Constitution on that one.

    -- Posted by ExInternMike on Fri, Nov 21, 2008, at 2:20 PM
  • I read this with much interest and am wondering if a birth certificate needs to be shown if the mother is a known US Citizen?

    -- Posted by khesanhvet68 on Sun, Nov 23, 2008, at 10:11 AM
  • Lincoln won six elections and lost four, if you include his name being entered on the Republican convention floor for a vice-presidential nomination and not getting speaker of the Illinois state assembly. Two losses if you're just looking at terms in the legislature. He spent ten years as a state or federal legislator.

    And when I rattle off information like that, it's not because I "know everything" it's because I'm not afraid to look it up.

    Keyes has no wins in five attempts, twice running for president and getting about one percent. No experience in a legislature or in an executive role - he's never been a governor or mayor either, or run a company. He was never in the military. I'm not saying a candidate needs to have all the above experiences, but to have none of them? Keyes was a diplomat serving on a minor committee at the UN for a few years and has been little more than a perpetual candidate ever since.

    -- Posted by ExInternMike on Mon, Nov 24, 2008, at 12:17 AM
  • And I've outlined any number of times why I voted for Obama. It was not a "fashion statement." I hope he successfully withdraws the U.S. from Iraq while minimizing U.S. casualties, reduces the tax burden on the middle class by shifting it elsewhere - preferably onto unearned income, resists pressure to devalue American labor with unrestricted trade deals, and closes the regulatory loopholes that allowed banking and finance to reclassify transactions to escape oversight.

    Even if he fails to do any of that I won't assume McCain would've done a better job. McCain didn't share any of those goals with me. Though I'll also note I don't believe Al Gore would've been better than Bush. I think Gore would've been as much as a disaster had he been in charge the past eight years.

    -- Posted by ExInternMike on Mon, Nov 24, 2008, at 12:31 AM
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