A Carrot Dangle?

Posted Sunday, August 31, 2008, at 9:28 AM
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  • I attended my sons Army boot camp graduation this past year and Sarah Palin was there. Her son was also graduating into the Army infantry. She has my support.

    -- Posted by jtrotter on Sun, Aug 31, 2008, at 10:25 AM
  • Mike:

    A person still has to ask why "duke nukem" (McCain) who does not have an environmental/conservationist bone in his body chose a person described as a "conservationist" (Palin) for his ticket. It would seem that they would be at odds all of the time with all of this "do we or do we not drill" crap that is going on and the nuclear debate that is going on as well. She seems like a pawn to me. What a loss for Alaska if that is the case and she is as "genuine" as they have represented her to be. Big gamble for her, (possible) "bait dog" for McCain.

    It also bothers me that not very long ago she said that she would not take the VP nomination because she could do more for/in Alaska than in DC. What has changed in such a short time? Maybe she is also afraid of what BHO will do to this country. That would be enough for me for sure! I hope that McCain's motives are "pure" and that he will listen to her thoughts and ideas and allow her to "serve" in her position. She is new blood and that is what is needed. Out with the old and in with the new.

    As far as her lack of experience, she has more than BHO by far. She runs a state where BHO does not. He is a yes man at best to the rest of the party. That is the problem with DC. Nobody votes for what is right---they vote for what puts the most money in their pockets through "private donations" and vacations. Pretty sad.

    Time will tell on this debate/situation. At this point, we cannot do much worse than the other guy and Biden. Yikes. Scary.

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Sun, Aug 31, 2008, at 12:16 PM
  • Hey, I have the first claim on the "duke nukem" name, so Senator McCain can't have it.

    -- Posted by Beau on Mon, Sep 1, 2008, at 2:44 AM
  • Sorry Beau. You are correct. What was I thinking? It is the illness...I am not on top of my game:)

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Mon, Sep 1, 2008, at 2:52 PM
  • Wow! No comments on the 17 year old child of Palin being PG (5 months). That makes her just more like the average Joe in my eyes. You do the best that you can with your kids and that does not always mean that they listen or make the best decisions 100% of the time. Life goes on. I hope that the pitbulls leave the 17 year old alone. It is a family issue and their business. I hope this does not "ruin" things for her.

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Mon, Sep 1, 2008, at 6:51 PM
  • Last night on Larry King some idiot democrat was questioning Palin's mothering skills. In other words, saying she couldn't be a 'good mother' if her unmarried daughter was pregnant. Heavens! Do they really want to go there??? That's ridiculous. If anything it makes me like Palin even more. SHE has my vote.

    -- Posted by outtathere on Tue, Sep 2, 2008, at 10:21 AM
  • Has anyone seen the story about Joe Biden's son and brother that could go to prison for defrauding a former business partner and an investor of millions of dollars in a suspect hedge fund deal that went sour? Nope. Obamedia won't allow that.

    I like the VP choice. She actually has a head on her shoulders and it isn't stuck in the sand. What I don't like is voting for the lesser of 2 evils. That is not what the founding fathers intended for this country to stoop to. Can't we have a ballot reform that includes a box labeled "none of the above"?

    Vote for reigning in the first amendment? Vote for the World Poverty Tax? Vote for opening the borders? Vote for someone that doesn't even respect the real heros, our men and women in uniform?

    I don't know...

    -- Posted by clam chowder on Tue, Sep 2, 2008, at 2:06 PM
  • Sarah Palin fired Wasilla's police chief and librarian when they wouldn't back her re-election campaign, and she left the town $22 million in debt. That's her record of experience, but I guess I shouldn't expect any better from the party that aided Saddam Hussein.

    -- Posted by ExInternMike on Sun, Sep 7, 2008, at 7:28 AM
  • Now Palin's out on the trail lying about her past positions. More and more examples of her past support for earmarks and the "Bridge to Nowhere" specifically keep surfacing. She told the Ketchikan Daily News in 2006 she would not only fight for the money but "not allow the spinmeisters to turn this project or any other into some that's so negative."

    -- Posted by ExInternMike on Mon, Sep 8, 2008, at 2:43 AM
  • First, don't lecture me about the Clintons or the Kennedys. I despise both. The U.S. needs a new constitutional amendment barring the spouses, siblings, or children of presidents from serving in the office themselves. Nepotism is not an American value.

    As a state and federal legislator, Obama was involved in passing tax rebates for the working class and laws requiring videotaping of police interrogations, strengthening the U.S. ability to secure loose nuclear weapons, requiring specific planning for FEMA evacuations of the mentally handicapped and elderly, and creating searchable databases of federal grant and contract awards. And these are just a few highlights of accomplishments revealed when the media asked the questions you say they don't ask, pulled from CNN and The Atlantic.

    The robbery at the pumps can be partly blamed on an unwillingness to drill on our own soil - I support it and have for longer than John McCain. But it is also partly our unwillingness to set tougher gas mileage standards, invest in rail to freight to reduce cross-country truck freight, and invest more in biodiesel, solar, wind and hydroelectric. Maybe nuclear too if we can keep Republicans from deregulating it to the point it becomes a massive safety hazard. Increasing supply only defers the problem. Cutting demand solves it.

    The U.S. aided the Iraq regime in the mid- to late eighties. Reagan's team in the United Nations claimed the chemical gassing of a border village was done by Iran and not Iraq - the Republicans have since begun to say otherwise. Clinton, for all his faults - and bombing an aspirin plant in the Sudan hardly begins the list - had nothing to do with that.

    The Democratic Party failed on Iraq just as the Republican Party did. Obama's role in that was minimal. Hillary Clinton deserves a lot of the blame as a de facto "leader" in the party. Both parties would be doing much better to remember George Washington's words about foreign entanglements. McCain is open to fifty years of Iraq entanglement. Obama will begin to withdraw forces - something that cannot begin soon enough, lest we end up subsidizing another country's national security.

    Clinton was not responsible for the economic growth of the nineties. The primary factor was a wave of technological innovation neither party deserves particular credit for. And those "good economic bills" the Republicans hammered through and Clinton sold out on - NAFTA, telecom act of '96, PNTR for China - are why the economy is collapsing. Obama MIGHT prove to be a protectionist. McCain already says he'll surrender the manufacturing base to the third world.

    -- Posted by ExInternMike on Mon, Sep 8, 2008, at 11:39 PM
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