Governor Little charts path to Prosperity, extends Statewide Stay-at-Home Order

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little announced April 15th that he was extending the statewide stay-home order to April 30, with exceptions for operations of formerly “non-essential” businesses, facilities, and services and new restrictions related to nonresident travel into the state.

“Idaho will be better positioned for a strong economic comeback because we are making difficult changes in how we live and work in the short-term,” Governor Little said. “The statewide stay-home order is working to flatten the curve and slow the spread of coronavirus in Idaho, but the science tells us if you don’t time these measures right then we could worsen the outcome for citizens’ health and the economy weeks or months down the road.”

Idahoans should continue to practice all the behaviors they have been doing since March 25, when Governor Little issued the 21-day order.

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  • Opening up our economy is vital to the survival of this nation. The curve has flatten with the decline of cases and that will continue with our economy open and yes there will still be people who will contract the virus. Folks for the most part will continue the guidelines of Social Distancing & Hygiene practices.

    As the opening happens around the country there will be mistakes made and corrected. That's a fact of life. Nothing goes perfectly. We just need to be strong and willing to take the risk. We can't sit and hide out at home. It's time for the American people to take their country back from the politicians and the naysayers.

    Judy Wolf

    Mountain Home, Idaho

    208 409 2292

    -- Posted by on Thu, Apr 23, 2020, at 8:45 PM
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