MHAC presents the Rice Brothers

Friday, October 4, 2019

The Mountain Home Arts Council is proud to present “America’s Most Charismatic Virtuosos,” The Rice Brothers, on Wednesday, October 9, for a community concert at the First Congregational Church of Mountain Home (515 E 15th N). The Rice Brothers, Johnny and Chris, each of whom plays the piano and cello, are young Polish-American musicians. They have performed extensively from coast to coast and in Europe, including a 2014 Carnegie Hall debut. Their performances feature a blend of classical music, Gospel, jazz, ragtime and Boogie Woogie. They were awarded the Carnegie Hall debut following each of them being named a gold medalist at an international Chopin piano competition.

It can be a bit disarming to see Johnny and Chris in concert. Performances that feature classical music are expected to have a certain formality, aren’t they? But when The Rice Brothers walk out onto the stage, you meet two delightful fellows who are casual and friendly! They seem more like they were the kids you grew up with just down the block. You might expect that they would be out on the baseball diamond manning second base and shortstop. And then the music begins. Audiences are drawn in with the force of a magnet. They are beginning a musical journey with two consummate artists who reach deep into the hearts and souls of their listeners.

The Mountain Home Arts Council will also host The Rice Brothers for an educational outreach program on October 8 for Mountain Home Junior High School students.

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