Second Annual 3 vs. 3 Basketball Tournament

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Many of you may have noticed community events being put on with an emphasis on living a sober life. These events are being put on by Drug Court participants who are required to complete a community service project in the third phase of the program as a way of giving back to their community.

Drug Court is a program that was created to supervise eligible offenders who have been referred to the comprehensive program of drug treatment and accountability. The Elmore County Drug and DUI Court is a four phase program which is a highly structured outpatient program that lasts a minimum of one year.

Jacob Smith is currently in the third phase of the program and he has organized the second annual Co-ed three on three basketball tournament. The event will focus on sobriety with the goal of reintegrating and educating addicts into a healthy and sober life within the community.

Smith will have three guest speakers in addition to himself, booths set up by Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous in an attempt to educate young teens and adults in sobriety by organizing a fun event that encourages them and the community to enjoy life without the use of drugs or alcohol.

The tournament will be held on Aug. 3 at Legacy Park from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. There will be three age groups: 10 to 12, 13 to 15 and 16 and up. The tournament is free to enter. You can register a team by going to or at the Mountain Home Parks and Recreation office.

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