
Governor Little Talks Democratic Values…Will he Deliver?

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The phrases “Happy Dance” and “State of the State” don’t often appear in the same sentence for Democratic legislators who are dedicated to empowering all Idahoans, bringing security to our families, and cultivating a state where opportunity and good-paying jobs are the norm.

Brad Little may have changed that – if he can walk the walk.

Throughout the governor’s 30-minute State of the State address, we found ourselves sitting in a quasi-echo chamber. He talked about issues like full-day kindergarten, enhancing Idaho’s outdoor economy and bringing down healthcare costs.

For the first time in a generation, we have an Idaho governor who is espousing Democratic values. The question is whether the legislature will agree.

For longer than we can remember, Idaho Democrats have championed measures that will raise wages, attract new business and bring real prosperity to anyone in the state, regardless of their zip code. As Idaho’s Education Party, we know that if you’re weak on education, you’re weak on jobs, which means you’re weak on opportunity and prosperity. We are hopeful Governor Little, who used the word “prosperity” in his address, means it for everyone.

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