
Legislature Update

Thursday, March 15, 2018

The House of Representatives took up two interesting pieces of legislation this week.

Both addressed crime victims, though they addressed the issue in very different ways. Neither proposal passed the House.

I wanted to take time this week to speak to the issue.

HJR 8 would have placed a state constitutional amendment on the ballot that would strengthen protections for victims of crimes.

I supported this legislation for two reasons. First, simply put, crime victims deserve the same level of protection that convicted offenders enjoy.

Second, I thought the citizens of Idaho deserved the opportunity to weigh in on the issue through the ballot box.

Unfortunately, though the measure made it out of House State Affairs with a do pass recommendation, it failed to reach the two-thirds majority vote necessary to pass the House.

I am disappointed, but remain hopeful that this issue will continue to move forward.For the full story, pick up a copy of the Mountain Home News or click on this link to subscribe to the newspaper's online edition.

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