Letter to the Editor

"We cling to our guns"

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Dear editor,

Freedom is not free, and no matter what the cost, we shall be free, so we cling to our guns and life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. As long as there is one commie, one Nazi, one Marxist, one socialist, one Muslim Islamic fundamentalist terrorist, political leftest, one dictator, one autocrat or any other wannabe world ruler, with a Hitler or a Stalin, or a Mussolini, or a Herod, or Genghis Khan or other murderous, dictator-type mentality, we will cling to our weapons.

All you need to do is look at world history. In my short life of 70 years I have seen peoples of different countries slaughtered by armies of local dictators. All throughout history seems to be a story of people fighting to be free of one man's tyranny. If you are looking for one man or one woman to save you, forget it, they don't exist. There is not one man or one woman on this planet, much less a system, that can solve the world's problems. Most folks can barely take care of their own households, let alone a cult or a religion or politics, or a city, or a state, or a country, as we have those who think they can control the whole world or a civilization. Get real! I don't think so. The best we can do is to take care of our own local area and country, not the whole world. Love your neighbor as yourself.

So yes! We cling to our guns and life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and will continue to do so as long as evil and treachery exist.

— James Loris

Bruneau, ID

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  • This was well timed.

    -- Posted by Eve.Esq on Thu, Feb 15, 2018, at 2:55 PM
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