Letter to the Editor

17 hours is too long to wait

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Dear editor,

Our power has been out along our street for 17 hours. That is seventeen hours. A neighbor I spoke with recently put in a few hundred dollars of groceries to feed her family. We put in over a hundred as well, and considering that payday was just a few days prior, I am certain that others have fresh groceries as well.

Seventeen hours is costing us in multiple ways. Will we see a reduction in our bills to reflect this? Is Idaho Power going to compensate in some way? Seventeen hours is aggravating.

— Mark Frederickson,

Mountain Home

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  • Dear Mark,

    I share your frustration about my groceries. I disagree with you that Idaho Power is responsible for the outage. I'm pretty sure it was the wind. Our bills help pay for the crews to go out an clear the storm debris and restore power, so a discount for interrupted service might hamper their ability to make our fridge work. Perhaps you could go out there and show them how to do it faster?


    -- Posted by JCox462 on Wed, Jun 7, 2017, at 3:53 PM
  • *

    Seriously??? What next, you want your cable provider to reduce your bill since you had no power? Upset that you could not get on social media and complain?

    Maybe you could go learn how to deal with electricity and the next time the power goes out due to Mother Nature, you can fix it much faster in some really crappy conditions.

    Give me a break.

    -- Posted by B Mullen on Thu, Jun 8, 2017, at 4:56 AM
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