Letter to the Editor

City needs an indoor pool

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Dear editor,

I would like to state that I agree strongly with Joyce Allgood regarding a swimming pool (Mountain Home News letter to the editor, June 22). In the early 1990s, I went door to door and to the senior center with petitions asking each person what facility would serve everyone the best. I received an unanimous response requesting a swimming pool.

Many told me they were promised an indoor pool before the outdoor pool was built. I know these cost a lot of money to construct and to maintain, because I worked as a volunteer in Bend, Ore., and Nevada, Mo. (population 6,000), where the cities did this for their communities.

A pool provides physical therapy, exercise, education and entertainment for babies through our eldest seniors, those mentally and physically challenged, and everyone else. We have fitness centers and other classes for exercise here in our city.

Come on. Let's think about meeting everyone's needs.

-- Margaret Fletcher,

Mountain Home