Recall effort begins against recreation district directors

Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Western Elmore County Recreation District two seated board members could face a challenge for their elected positions after plans began to remove both of them from office.

A recall petition aimed at Art Nelson and Judy Mayne was submitted to the Elmore County Elections Office on April 18.

The elections office received the minimum 20 ...

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    Is just me or anyone else find it ironic that what the current board is accused of doing is the very thing the previous board did along with most of the names on the initial petition are former WECRD employees or supporters? Add into the irony is they quoted the wrong state code. The current board has been trying for 3 whole months to correct 15 years of mistakes and turning a blind eye to Idaho Code by the previous board. Just so you know.

    -- Posted by B Mullen on Sat, Apr 30, 2016, at 6:35 PM
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