Letter to the Editor

When it comes to gun laws bad guys never obey them

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Dear editor,

For those who think it's a bad idea to allow folks to carry guns without permits because the wrong people will do it, here's a "shocking newsflash." The ones committing the crimes have ALREADY been doing it for years!

They do it with impunity because every "gun law" ever written has served only to hamper the HONEST folks.

The criminal element has long learned to work the system. They make their living breaking laws, and regard gun laws no differently than any other.

The main difference between ME and "Mulligan the Hooligan" is that he gets to carry his for FREE, while I have to pay to renew every few years, go on record with photo ID, fingerprints and paper trail, yet MY weapons aren't the ones society needs to worry about.

Democrats have been trying to disarm honest citizens for decades under some grand delusion that taking guns from good people is going to somehow protect everybody from bad people. There cannot be that much Kool-Aid in existence.

Incredibly even TODAY, with borders wide open, terrorists running rampant in Europe (and you know we're next), the Dems still want to ban all guns and put us all under the protection of "911" (you know, where the police are already being shot, threatened and sued for doing their jobs).

"This isn't the Wild West" has been mentioned. That's for sure. Crime was nowhere NEAR the proportions it is today. We hung horse thieves and murderers alike back then, and didn't take 30 years of appeals to do it.

Kids watched the hangings, where there was no "re-set button" to start the next round. And anyone looking to shoot up a town hall meeting would immediately be looking down the barrels of 20 Colts.

If you wanna get down to brass tacks, virtually every "gun law" ever proposed in this country is unconstitutional. Every liberal always seems to know "what the founders meant," but NOT ONE of them has ever answered me when I've asked the simple question -- "WHAT part of Shall Not Be Infringed, do you people not understand?"

-- Mike Bradbury,

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