Letter to the Editor

Liberals love name calling

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Dear editor,

All the years I've written letters to the editor, various blogs, etc., I've been called a lot of things. I've heard it all.

I've been called a "racist" for criticizing the most failed administration in history.

I've been called "mean-spirited" for wanting sealed borders, and aliens who aren't supposed to be here, REMOVED.

I've been called a "fear monger" for saying we're going to get hit if we don't "clean house."

I've been called "paranoid" for carrying a gun over the past 20 years, because we all know things that happen overseas could NEVER happen here (gun sales are through the roof right now because "it could never happen here").

When I publicly supported Herman Cain, it went un-noticed. Because I don't support Obama, I'm a "bigot."

I've voted for Sarah but was instantly branded a "chauvinist" when I spoke out against Hillary.

I'm not "politically correct" because I want OUR country, OUR tax dollars, OUR families and OUR nation's sovereignty to come before the rest of the world's.

Because I don't want America "given away", I'm "one-dimensional."

I'm an "oppressor" because I believe there should only be ONE vote per legal citizen.

In short, I thought I'd pretty much heard it all by now, but not so. Last week I was accused by a local blogger of "not respecting this president." I don't know why anybody would say that. I've given Obama the same respect THEIR side gave Bush for eight years.

Yeah I know, "that's DIFFERENT." It always IS.

Respect isn't issued, it's earned. Being retired military, I swore the same oath 5 times in 22 years, to "protect and defend." President swears likewise. I still honor MINE. When the "Commander-in-Chief" does NOT, he has neither my support, my trust, nor my respect. I'm still an American, politically IN-correct, and proud to be everything the liberals don't like.

-- Mike Bradbury,

Mountain Home