Honor roll athletes named

Friday, November 13, 2015

In an announcement last week, Mountain Home High School honored dozens of its athletes who excelled in their academic pursuits.

The students needed to maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.5 to be included in the athletic honor roll.

Students on the honor roll, by sport, are as follows:

Football -- Walker Harris, Patrick Harris, David Welle, Joshua Roeder, Taylor Ogaard, Brendan Negri, Hunter Thornburg, Cole Garrett and Kyler Proffit

Boys soccer -- Aleana Giles, Cody Ottaway, Anthony DeSantis, Joshua Baldridge and Kaden Spencer

Girls soccer -- Tayde Rodriguez, Alena Estes, Zayury Rodriguez-Gutierrez, Mikayla Kinney, Hannah Bideganeta, Claire Grindle, Jacey Carr, Emily Cruser, Lexi Ogaard, Rachel Johnson, Clarissa Lucas, Nicole Milford and Elizabeth Ryan

Volleyball -- Justus Stockwell, Ariel Higgins, Ashten Harrigan, Sophia Harris, Mercedes Martinez, Rebekah Austin, Ryan Floyd, Kristen Cook, Keyondra White, Sable Lohmeier and Paris Mederios

Cross country -- Emily Lampman, Anthony DeSantis, Cody Ottaway and Mikayla Kinney

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