Letter to the Editor

Parties don't stand for the people

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Dear editor:

Former Democrat Ronald Reagan was once asked by a reporter why he left the Democrat Party. "I never left the Democrat Party" he replied, "The Democrat Party left ME." The party no longer held the values that the "party of the people" once had, and Reagan could no longer be a part of it.

Today, I feel exactly the same way about the GOP, which ALSO used to stand for something, but is turning into the backstabbing treasonous wimps we've traditionally labeled the Democrats as being.

Some around here think I'm a Republican, but I am NOT, by today's standards. I'm so far to the right, Rush Limbaugh is a liberal by comparison. O'Reilly DEFINITELY is. I remain on the GOP registry for the sole purpose of being able to vote in the primaries and help keep the RINOs out. No other reason. I won't even be civil to them on the phone when they call, asking for "party contributions" either, (ask Donna when you see her). Respect has to be EARNED, and they've lost mine.

When some fellow right winger tells me that our worst guy is still a better choice then their BEST, I reply "SO?" That's like saying THIS roof is better than THAT one because it doesn't leak as much. But the fact is, it still leaks! And it shouldn't.

When our leaders don't stand with the rest of us, they don't deserve our support. Yes Gertrude, that goes for BOTH sides. Leastwise, it SHOULD.

While Obama, Reid, Holder and the rest of the left do in fact deserve every bit of ridicule they get, we need to take an honest look at "OUR side" as well, which isn't so squeaky clean either, these days.

Boehner's been playing the "token Democrat -- oh poor ME the victim" role, who can't do much because he only speaks for the House. Last time I checked, the House controls the checkbook. All they've got to do is shut off funds to Mexico and every other corrupt country that plays us for the fools we apparently ARE. That jailed "Tijuana Marine" would be home next week and the Senate would HAVE to come to the table because they could no longer waste taxpayer dollars. Oh, they understand MONEY all right, if nothing else.

The White House has been turned into "Pee-Wee's Playhouse," which is why ISIS is most likely already here, with the borders being non-existent.

I mentioned Reagan at the start of this letter. The threats we've been under these past several years would never have happened on Ronnie's watch. As in the days of your own grandfather, bad behavior was NOT tolerated, even from the "EVIL EMPIRE" (a comment Reagan never apologized for). Of course, "Uncle Ronnie" was an American who never found it necessary to "apologize for the arrogance" of the most, giving, sacrificing, generous country in the history of mankind.

Brings me to a couple final points.

A few out there have tried in vain to somehow redeem this loser you cherish, with these fleeing quips of "well, REAGAN did this or REAGAN did that. Really? Know what else Reagan did? He took out Carter 44 states to 6. Then, in his RE-election bid of 1984, (you know, the one after everyone's gotten to know him from his FIRST term), he trounced Mondale 49 states to ONE. Yes, 49-1, and he came within 2800 votes of taking Mondale's home state as well.

Talk "stats, polls and website references" all you want, but it came within a hair of a clean 50-state sweep, and you do NOT get numbers like that without EVERYBODY on board. Even the DEMS had nothing to gripe about. America had her respect back, we had jobs, a booming economy, OUR flag flew above the others, and neither Brezhnev nor Gorbachev were giving us the "finger," threatening us with nuclear war. We actually HAD a commander-in-chief back then, and like your grandfather, that old man didn't take anything off ANYBODY.

Today it's become one huge joke, and nobody's laughing but the rest of the world. But who is to blame? I mean REALLY? Presidents, Senators and Congressmen do not re-elect THEMSELVES, now do they?

Instead of talking "smack" about what Reagan did, you lefties should take a hard honest look at the 2012 elections and what YOU did.

Just because we're bombing Syria right now, let's not lose focus on our wide open borders that have allowed ample opportunity for terrorist cells to already "set up shop" right here. Potential mall bombings and beheadings should head the priority list and OUR borders should be sealed off before we send troops anywhere else.

Eric Holder gets a free pass AGAIN by resigning. Like every other liberal per scandal, he will never be held accountable for any of it, and anyone who insists on it will instantly be a bigot or a chauvinist.

No Democrat is ever responsible for anything. It's all Bush's doing, now and forever.

-- Mike Bradbury

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