Letter to the Editor

Thanks for all the help at the AFAD free burrito breakfast

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Dear editor:

Remember when foxy B-1B pilots' wives rocked the AFAD Parade with their float, "Bad to the BONE?" Now the Buccaneer's awesome "Pirate Ship" lands and blows the rest of the floaters away.

Jumpin' Judy caught up with some Singapore Airmen at Carl Miller Park and brought them back to Jovial Jerry's Lounge, where the parade began.

Before the start, "Ghost Rider" hats were presented to Mayor Tom Rist and Col. David Iverson. Black hats were screened with the image of a range bull skull superimposed on the silhouette of an F-15E. After accepting the hat, Col. Iverson replied, "Thank you. This is really cool."

Veteran saute cooks Fela Rivera and Chris Martin returned to the Free Burrito Breakfast to serve corn tortillas, along with souffle cook Paulette Fisher and burrito builders Laurie and Ed Howell from Boise. Dutch oven cook J.D. Toporte fried sausage and Deann Davis from Oasis diced onions and jalapenos. FBB hosts Judy and Robert Lemieux supplied fresh salsa and coffee. The sausage was donated by a 4-H pig auctioned at the Elmore County Fair.

All of our love to Nancy Reynolds, long-time sponsor. Joining her were Stephanie Bergh, Dale Nelson, Chris Martin, Richard Fisher, and (other sponsors including) new sponsors Randy Bingham, the South Fork Citizens Center of Pine, John Lewis and Jex Hepworth.

Thanks to all.

Wayne de la Mofte,

Free Buritto Breakfast producer

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