Letter to the Editor

These scandals aren't phony

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Dear editor:

Apparently, no Democrats have ever been under siege by the IRS, because this is yet another "phony scandal" to discredit Obama.

"I don't know what happened to my records and receipts." YOU try that during an audit. And folks, NOBODY pleads the 5th (twice), without having something to hide. We weren't all born yesterday.

We're all just picking on this president, eh? He's done nothing at all to bring any of it on himself? Really?

The apology tour, fast and furious, continually skirting around the Congress, ACORN, Obamacare, nearly $18 trillion in debt now with NO SPENDING CUTS from Reid (who cries that the GOP won't work with him even as every bill sent to him from the House is "DOA"). Bin Laden's U.S. Naval burial at sea, NSA, Solyndra, Benghazi, the IRS, I guess this has all just been a master plan by the GOP to make him look incompetent. He's a poor victim of the "racist" Tea Party, and never brought a BIT of this on himself.

His failed leadership has only emboldened the enemies of freedom and left the U.S. totally vulnerable for another 911 as the borders are wide open now, border agents now baby-sitting illegals while being shot at by Mexican helicopters. GITMO terrorists are traded for a deserter while a Marine still sits in a Mexican jail. This administration has released hundreds of convicted illegal felons back onto the streets, but a Marine still sits in a Mexican jail.

Oh no, this president has done nothing at all to bring any of this on himself, we're all just against him because he's black. Yeah, that's it. Now and forever. But those who call us "bigots and racists" are more color blind than anyone else, because the REAL color problem is red. Not political party "red" but COMMUNIST red. The last six years have been just one long "phony scandal." But the indoctrinated and institutionalized will never see it until they wake up one morning to find the feds standing in the bedrooms demanding "papers please."

Smoke your joint and laugh if it suits you, but it's coming. You can't protect and defend rattlesnakes without eventually getting bit.

For those of us who attended school when history was still being taught, THIS is the government the founders warned us about. If THEY'D been as complacent as we are today, saying, "well, that's just how things are and we can't do much about it," if THEY had lived that creed, we'd all still be subjects. Not citizens. If you don't know the difference, you shouldn't be allowed near a ballot box.

We're gonna get hit again. Thanks to Obama, the rest of the world thinks we're weak, a joke, a folly, and the borders are now wide open for whoever wants to just waltz right on in and do whatever. What will you libs and RINOs do besides hide under your beds, blame Bush some more? You keep voting these traitors right back in.

The degradation of America is YOUR fault, not Reid's, Boenner's or even Obama's. They didn't re-elect THEMSELVES. If you're reading this and are of the "straight ticket crowd," this country is going under via YOUR approval and re-approval. The thieves are merely doing what you've given them your "blessing" to continue.

My own personal disdain for "Big Brother" has nothing to do with race nor gender. It goes all the way back to my early days at Camp Pendleton where we were trained to get RID of communists, not help them get elected.

Mike Brabury

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