Letter to the Editor

We need more control on dogs, not less

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Dear editor:

Holy Cow. Six cats and dogs! In my opinion that is six too many! Fifty in a three-block radius. Outrageous! As a daily walker, I detest barking, snarling dogs that raise a ruckus when I walk by. If I was invading their territory, I would understand. I am not! I really DETEST dogs that leave their premises and come out in the street snarling and barking at me and scaring the heebie jeebies out of me. And also, there is the constant "poop" on trails and roadways that irresponsible owners don't bother to pick up.

Let's be reasonable folks. Surely there is a solution to keep noise, smell, and other related issues of dog lovers acceptable to non-dog lovers.

Cats, they just roam, get into garbage cans, multiply and poop.

-- Melva McKenzie