Airport traffic concerns impede business move

Friday, March 23, 2012

Concerns over aircraft traffic at the city's airport prompted a newly formed company to cancel plans to move an existing fuel business to the city's west side.

In an announcement March 8, representatives with Mountain Valley Industries LLC requested the city pull its request to build a bulk fuel and distribution center at the corner of Airbase Road and Highway 51.

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    I read this article in the paper. I have to wonder what knowledge of the area the P&Z has to even approve a location that is in the approach path of the airport. What a waste of time for both Mountain Valley Industries LLC and the city. It does not take a Phd to look at a simple MAP and see that the location is in direct line with the airport. Way to represent the city P&Z.

    -- Posted by B Mullen on Sun, Mar 25, 2012, at 8:54 PM
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