Deal seeks to save museum director position

Monday, August 15, 2011
Mountain Home Historical Museum

The Mountain Home Historical Museum is expected to save its director's position through a tentative deal involving the city and county.

On Monday, the city council approved plans to provide the museum with a $12,000 grant with the county board of commissioners agreeing to provide an additional $6,000.

Together, that yearly budget would offset the costs to keep the director's position open, which was originally in danger of losing its funding.

During its last public meeting July 25, the city council debated whether to cut all financial support for the position. The discussion came just three days after Museum Director Nancy Marshall resigned her post. She stepped down for personal reasons.

For more details see the 8/10 Mountain Home News

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  • I don't want my tax dollars paying some guy 18k a year to sit around what a crazy Idea. I never see a mad rush of people going in that building, you could put all that junk in a display case at the vistor center or school

    Im sure glad my wife and I are moving


    -- Posted by Freedom on Mon, Aug 15, 2011, at 5:50 AM
  • Hey FREEDOM...glad your leaving soon, could you hurry up. lots of Mtn. Home history in that building. Hope you are moving to a town that does not care about its early past. -rick...!

    -- Posted by bodine69 on Mon, Aug 15, 2011, at 10:00 AM
  • OH, Im sure it has history

    BUT, Not for 18k a year worth of History, and if you want why not just go down to the Building and give a donation to it of YOUR MONEY,

    Now the Government pays for the




    swiming pools


    life time unemployment


    Medical Care

    yeb Socialism,,, Only Liberials, Only Liberals do this kind of stuff

    We will be like England Soon or France

    -- Posted by Freedom on Mon, Aug 15, 2011, at 11:24 AM
  • you know I live on Social Security, the Government/Taxpayer gives me this Money and Im thankful for it, to turn around and give it to a liberal City Government to spend on this kind of stuff.

    where do people get off pulling this kind of stuff, this is not your money, its suppose to be mine for me

    Its Simple, this is Socialism and I can't afford it

    Liberals, Enough is Enough, Stop Already Will You, Please

    -- Posted by Freedom on Mon, Aug 15, 2011, at 11:38 AM
  • City Counsel, Why not just set up another levy to pay for it? What's another 20 bucks a month right? Heck, why not hire your cousin, niece, or buddy to be the Assistant Dir. And add another 20 bucks to my tax bill to pay for it. Come, on! Are you people serious? No one goes there. There's really no added value to keep the place open. Get past the emotional, sensitive stuff and realize the history here is no real story. Throw those few things in a glass front bookcase or two and put it in the courthouse...done and an $18K savings to the citizens of MH. While you're at it, ace some of those folks in the ordnance office too. I don't see any reason to pay them if they can't do their job.

    -- Posted by townman on Mon, Aug 15, 2011, at 4:05 PM
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