School preps for yearly speech, debate event

Thursday, January 27, 2011
Members of the Mountain Home High School Talkin' Tigers review their arguments as they prepare for last year's U-Bus-2-Us speech and debate tournament. Organizers for this year's event expect to meet or exceed last year's attendance figures during the upcoming event, which runs from Feb. 4-5 at the high school. Mountain Home's central location in southern Idaho, the event draws schools from as far as Twin Falls, along with most schools in the Treasure Valley, and serves as one of the largest speech and debate competitions of its kind in the state. Photo by Brian S. Orban

Mountain Home High School expects to meet or exceed previous attendance figures as it prepares to host one of the state's largest gathering of motivational speakers.

The high school's annual U-Bus-2-Us speech and debate tournament continues to grow as schools from as far as Twin Falls continue to sign up.

Events run from 2 to 8 p.m. Feb. 4 and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Feb. 5.

It serves as the city's largest speech and debate competition and remains one of the largest in the state, according to John Petti, who coaches the school's Talkin' Tigers squad.

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  • I attended this last year to watch my son debate and was happy to see we have some very bright students that want to succeed and make something of themselves. Go Talkin Tigers!

    -- Posted by Moanah on Sun, Jan 30, 2011, at 10:44 PM
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