Local unemployment up as state numbers fall

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

High school and college students continue to face tough challenges finding work in cities like Mountain Home despite a slight increase in hiring in some Idaho communities.

Statewide, the unemployment rate dropped to 9 percent in May with more than 68,000 people searching for work, according to the Idaho Department of Labor.

Elmore County remained slightly above the state average at 9.2 percent with 1,075 of qualified workers seeking jobs. But that's a full percentage point increase over April's numbers.

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  • I personally know some of the unemployed are not really trying to find work. A couple of them even told me they go into a business they know are not hiring and ask if they have any jobs so they can get their required "I'm looking numbers" then they collect the free money. Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free?

    -- Posted by Retirmentcanbefun on Wed, Jun 16, 2010, at 9:18 AM
  • It looks like they will stay high for some time. It would be nice to see some new businesses move in and help reduce the unemployment.

    -- Posted by reallycurious on Thu, Jun 17, 2010, at 7:01 PM
  • @Retirementcanbefun: My husband aged 55 has been looking for work nearly 2 years (lost job September 5, 2008). His UI ran out as of June 5th. He's gone to Nevada, Oregon, and all over Idaho for interviews. The fact is he wasn't just "getting required numbers." And a lot of the people I know who are also not employed are out genuinely seeking employment! I think it is very rude of you to assume that everyone is just out gold bricking. Next thing we'll know you'll say all those on UI are drug addicts and alcoholics. That is just not the case.

    In fact, some job counselors encourage cold calling on businesses that are not hiring to inquire about jobs and request a job tour. It is a valid way to find employment.

    So instead of pontificating about the job search methods of others... perhaps you should inform yourself.

    -- Posted by AbolishWTOnow! on Wed, Jun 23, 2010, at 11:06 AM
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