Letter to the Editor

WECRD not accountable

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Dear editor:

This letter is in response to the Letter to the Editor from Marsha Sellers, WECRD Board President, in the March 31, 2010, edition of the Mountain Home News. In her letter Ms. Sellers states the following:

"Although we all agree there was no intent to deceive with this application process, the inaccuracies needed correcting."

No intent to "deceive" yet the application contained less than truthful/factual information and was submitted that way not just for FY 2011 but also for FY 2010. Perhaps if more than one WECRD board member had read the application it would have been more factual. Perhaps, but highly unlikely. Yet, there is no intent to "deceive." Interesting.

"The community's needs have always been at the heart of all of our decisions." Like when you spent $725 on a photo of yourselves? Or, $1,800 plus on a parade? Or how about when you turned down youth recreation programs for funding? I am so glad the three of you are so in tune with the "heart" of this community.

Where is the WECRD board's accountability for their actions?

Tracy Lauric