Junior high actors set 'revue" this weekend

Friday, January 22, 2010
The revue will include performances from past productions put on by the junior high theater company, such as this scene from "The Music Man."

The Mountain Home Junior High School Act Out Theatre Company will present "Acting Out Through the Years," a musical review of its past performances, on Friday, Jan. 22, and Saturday, Jan. 23.

The revue will feature two shows each night, at 6:30 p.m. and 8 p.m., at the new WECRD office, 225 E. 6th South St. (the old Calvary Chapel by the potato factory).

The show will feature musical selections from "Shakespeare Comes to Calamity Creek," "Good News," "The Music Man," and this year's upcoming production of "Lil' Abner."

The event is a fundraiser with proceeds going toward the purchase of a portable stage for MHJHS productions.

Ticket prices are by donation to help the group reach that goal.

Desserts and beverages will also be available for purchase.

Pam Zielke, who teaches at Mountain Home Junior High School, has been the Director of the Act Out Theatre Company since 2006. Julie Vogl is costume director, Laura Schneider is the vocal director and Emily Jenson is the choreography director.

The company has had a cast of up to 75 students participate in the productions, from grades 7 through 9.

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  • From the June 11, 2009 WECRD Board Meeting Minutes:

    IV. New Business

    a. Requests

    "A request for use of the WECRD building had been received, but it was forgotten at the last Board meeting. There was concern because the request was for use for a prayer meeting. There was considerable discussion that it does not fit the legal purpose of a recreation district though it may be in line with being a public benefit. Attorney Peterson felt that in order to completely avoid discrimination, the District would have to allow anyone to use the building or no one to use the building. Secretary Judy Erwin stated that the WECRD had an existing building rental policy. Director Marsha Sellers made a motion to reevaluate the building usage policy, and until that policy has been established, the WECRD will hold all usage to be for WECRD business only. Director Jana Borgholthaus seconded the motion. A vote was taken with both Directors in favor of the motion. Motion passed."

    From the July 22, 2009 WECRD Board Meeting Minutes:

    c. Building Usage

    "Director Marsha Sellers stated that the issue of usage of the building had been satisfactorily dealt with at a prior meeting and it was determined that the building would be used for the business of the Rec. District."

    Still nice to know that our "recreation district" can give to anything and everything BUT RECREATION!

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Fri, Jan 22, 2010, at 8:54 AM
  • Are you seriously complaining because a group of kids was allowed to use the building to raise funds for an extra-curricular project...for kids?...for a recreational program? Is that really what you have time and energy to attack?

    -- Posted by BMWGAL on Sun, Jan 24, 2010, at 10:53 PM
  • bmwgal:

    Yes, I am complaining about that. The rules are the rules. Had it not been for the Betty Ashcraft connection...they would have turned this down also. They have a policy. They set it for a reason. They should darn well follow it. So yes---I will complain about it. For goodness sake it is a recreation district not a district for the performing arts. The law is the law. Wise up. Here are the LAWS for you.


    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Mon, Jan 25, 2010, at 1:33 PM
  • Well, we could argue all day long about all of that--although I do think it is unnecessary to say things like "wise up". Such an unfriendly tone.

    I would, however, like to say that I will not use a wonderful endeavor by a group of kids as a platform to attack another group. I also want to say...and this is my main point...I went to the show they put on this past weekend. It was wonderful. It was entertaining--what a talented group of kids!! Definitely worth seeing. I hope the kids were able to raise enough money to get their stage.

    -- Posted by BMWGAL on Mon, Jan 25, 2010, at 9:29 PM
  • Good job students! I heard today that they were able to raise enough funds for the stage! Thanks to the patrons who helped make this a great event, and thanks to Pam, Julie, and everyone else who have put so much into making the junior musical a reality.

    -- Posted by teacherbytrade on Mon, Jan 25, 2010, at 10:32 PM
  • Once again, we have an inability to deal with facts. That fact remains---the "arts" have not a thing to do with recreation. The WECRD Board set the standard for which the WECRD Offices could be used and that is WECRD business only. Those are the facts even if you refuse to deal with them.

    I have nothing against the kids in this community. I take issue with these 3 people and how they run a "recreation" district. If they wanted a center for the performing arts---then that is what should have been proposed and voted on. Not like anything will ever be built anyway.

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Tue, Jan 26, 2010, at 9:32 AM
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