Special Thanks to the Mt Home Police Department

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

TITLE: Special Thanks to the Mt Home Police Department

BY: A Very Grateful Postal Worker in Dayton, Ohio


I want to thank the members of the Mt Home Police Department for their help in locating a postal customer.

I work at the Main Post Office in Dayton, Ohio.

This past Tuesday December, 22, 2009, I came across a box from Mt Home, Idaho that was supposed to go to someone here in the Dayton, Ohio area.

The customer paid 40.95 to ship the box from Mt Home,ID. The problem was, the the address on the box was written on a piece of tape and the address rubbed off in shipping. The box had the name of the person but, no address.

Thankfully, their was a return address on the box along with a name.

Our computer program with address's and names did not show the name of the person who was to receive the box.

I have a soft spot for Mt Home, Idaho because, my son and daughter in law are stationed at Mt Home AFB.

I called Mt Home information with the hope that customer who sent the box had a home phone. No luck.

Somehow, the movie "Home Alone" popped into my brain.

I got the idea to call the Mt Home Police hoping that they could assist me in locating the customer. I was also hoping that the dispatcher would not think that I was a prank caller.

My luck changed for the better because, the dispatcher at the Mt Home Police was very kind and concerned as he listened to my story about not wanting to send the box back to Mt Home.

The dispatcher informed me that he would speak to his supervisor to see what could be done.

Christmas Miracles do happen because, not long after I spoke to the dispatcher, the customer called me and gave me the address of the person whom the box was being sent to.

I hope to never have to "Sic the Police" on a customer again.

I must state once again that I am very grateful to all of the members of the Mt Home Police Department for their assistance in locating the customer so that his package did not have to make a return trip to Mt Home, Idaho.

The moral of this story is...

When addressing things that have to be mailed, please make sure that the address will not rub off when the item is shipped.

One more thing..please, please make sure to put a return address on everything that you place in the mail.