Letter to the Editor

Christmas was vandalized

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dear editor:

What is this world coming to when holiday yard decorations are damaged for no apparent reason? This is what I have experienced, and so this letter goes to the person(s) that felt they needed to do this.

It was late night Dec. 7 in the area of NW Heron and NW Pintail. This inconsiderate low-life snake in the grass committed several crimes (in my eyes, they were crimes).

First, you decided to mow down mine and my neighbors' mailboxes with your car. You hit with such force that the pole came right out of the cement. Now, new holes have to be drilled so it can be put back up so I can get my mail. I hope you have a very ugly dent on the front of your car and/or a broken headlight. That would serve you right.

Second, if mowing down the mailboxes wasn't enough, you decided to go one step further. You felt you needed to slash all of my inflatable Christmas decorations that were in my front yard. I would wish insomnia on you for what you did, but people like you have no conscience whatsoever, so you probably slept like a baby ever since you did this damage.

I took pride in setting these decorations up every year for the enjoyment of not only myself but my family, friends and neighbors to enjoy as well. Well, this year was totally ruined thanks to the likes of you! I hope you are very proud of yourself for ruining someone else's property that they have spent time and money on over the years, not to mention that most of my inflatable decorations can not be replaced.

Just so you know, you inconsiderate low-life snake in the grass, you will be caught, and I hope all of this was worth it. I hope you had a great time doing all this damage. The one thing you did was destroy my decorations, but you did NOT destroy my holiday spirit. So as angry and upset as I am over this, I just want to say one thing to you... happy holidays!

Annette McAlpin