Letter to the Editor

Dare to fight for our world

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Dear editor:

Dare to be constitutionally correct.

Dare to say no to the insurance cartel.

Dare to expose the trilateral commission.

Dare to say no to sodomy.

Dare to say no to oligarchy.

Dare to say no to plutocracy.

Dare to keep from cherishing opinions.

Dare to do nothing for eight seconds.

Dare to say no to television drugs.

Dare to keep your government off corruption.

Dare to say no to deception in high places.

Dare to tell your trusted officials to shape up or ship out.

Dare to take down your old yard sale signs.

Dare to expose the C.F.R.

Dare to say no to the parasitical elite.

Dare to say no to tobacco.

Dare to walk instead of drive.

Dare to say no to the prescription drug cartel.

Dare to say no to socialism, liberalism, communism.

Dare to say yes to liberty, freedom and justice.

Dare to make up your own Dare list.

James Loris,
