City hall packed with those opposing annexation plan

Sunday, September 20, 2009

More than 50 people packed into city hall Sept. 8 to voice their opposition to a proposal to annex and rezone more than 465 acres of land east of I-84 for use as a housing development.

During the city's planning and zoning commission meeting, representatives of Sky View Estates LLC from Tucson, Ariz., outlined their request to gradually build hundreds of homes on this land with the possibility of including additional commercial development.

See the Mountain Home News for the complete story.

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  • Please "NO MORE GROWTH"

    -- Posted by Freedom on Sun, Sep 20, 2009, at 8:32 PM
  • Whats wrong with letting this town grow. It will give more income to smaller business here in Mountain Home. It will be nice when Wingers finally opens for another choice in variety. I spend most my money here when I can, but still need to go to Boise when it's not available. And according to this letter, out of the towns population, there wasn't a huge turn out to oppose this. I say build!

    -- Posted by lowrider69 on Mon, Sep 21, 2009, at 5:31 AM
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    Lowrider: I understand how some people want this town to grow but I also oppose this. I enjoy the small town feel of Mountain Home. I know it would be nice to have bigger stores/restaurants in town but it would kill the small town feel. I have to agree with Freedom on this one and say No more growth too. If people want the large town, then move to Boise.

    -- Posted by airforcewive on Mon, Sep 21, 2009, at 9:32 AM
  • Commercial growth is good but not residential. There are already too many homes in town that are not selling. To add more new homes that would not be sold is a road I am not willing to go down.

    I agree we need more commercial choices but we do not need any more housing. I don't want to see a bunch of vacant houses or half developed lots because the company goes under due to no sales of the homes. There are several areas in and around Boise that residential areas have been planned, started and then fell apart with a few homes completed and then the empty lots just sit there.

    -- Posted by pand0ra wells on Mon, Sep 21, 2009, at 1:40 PM
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    Yes small town growth in residental is a big NO NO!! Commercial real estate and business great idea! We do have many vacant homes and just think what it is going to do if you put your house on the market, with many vacant homes in the community. You will more than likely not get what you want and then you will think back. Hmmmm I should have voiced not to have alot of new developments in the community. And thats even if you are able to sell it. Think before you actually voice to approve such idiotic decissions!!!

    -- Posted by Bostonfan on Tue, Sep 22, 2009, at 10:12 AM
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    Question to ponder: do you all think we can have commercial growth and not expect that residental growth will be far behind it. I feel like they go hand in hand. I don't want to see more housing in the area and as much as I would like some more commercial things I am afraid it would hurt local small businesses. Just a thought...

    -- Posted by airforcewive on Wed, Sep 23, 2009, at 7:40 AM
  • This developer wants to build 1000 homes. Where will the water come from. My well has dropped 30 feet the last 12 years.This kind of growth will destroy Mountain Home.

    -- Posted by twestall on Wed, Sep 23, 2009, at 12:00 PM
  • Last time I looked at a map, I-84 was an east-west highway. Perhaps we are annexing in Nebraska?

    -- Posted by tgamb on Fri, Sep 25, 2009, at 11:30 AM
  • I am curious as to what this commercial building would consist of. It makes me a little leery if the developers were vague about this. Would it generate good clean businesses, or are we talking noisy/dirty warehousing kind of businesses. Would the housing be built around the commercial, as a work/live community and the commercial providing the jobs for all the people in this additional housing or....? I also agree that it seems hard to believe that our water supply or town pumps could handle this kind of growth.

    -- Posted by jusolme on Fri, Sep 25, 2009, at 6:34 PM
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