WECRD plans $27,000 budget hike

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Western Elmore County Recreation District has announced plans to increase its proposed budget by $27,000 in anticipation of receiving the green light to build a community center near the city's schools.

A public hearing regarding the $467,000 fiscal 2010 budget goes before a public hearing at 6 p.m. Aug. 26 at the district office on North 3rd Street.

The proposed operating budget does not increase taxes for people and businesses that previously paid WECRD taxes, said district board president Mollie Marsh.

"The (board) directors unanimously decided to forgo the available three percent increase in an effort to lessen the taxpayer burden," said Marsh as she read a prepared statement during a special meeting Aug. 17.

See the Mountain Home News for the complete story.

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    So if I am reading this right, those who have paid taxes will not have to pay more to get the $27k, so where does it come from? And does this mean those who didnt pay the taxes will have to pay more to help off-set the $27k. With all the talk of not wanting this money pit, Im amazed the WECRD is in 'anticipation" of receiving the green light. Blinders are a good way to see sunshine and lollie pops I guess, screw what the public doesnt want, its all about what the eogs want. I dont understand why people want to exercise indoors, when we have so many nice sidewalks and parks to do this on. Im in the military and rarely go into the gym there to exercise, I find a better peace when I exercise outside in the fresh air and nice breeze, just me I guess.

    -- Posted by scoutin on Sun, Aug 23, 2009, at 7:06 AM
  • They also (according to the paper this week) plan to by new furniture and office equipment for their current office. Why buy office furniture? Money will have to again be spent down the road on the same stuff so that it matches the stuff at the actual facility...

    Oh wait, there is this petition out there still. Why spend/waste the money at all? This thing is going to be voted down and it will all go to the county. Before you redecorate your office---maybe wait until after November. Enough money has already been wasted dont you think (you being the WECRD Board)? You folks have several screws loose (once again you being the WECRD Board). The WECRD plans to spend a lot of money while they wait...or perhaps they are not waiting at all.

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Sun, Aug 23, 2009, at 4:18 PM
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    Ok I was out of town. Could someone explain to me how the WECRD plans on raising their budget by $27K? Where do they plan on getting this money from? Last I remember reading even the CLDG and YMCA say it could be 12 to 15 months before a decision is reached. I could be wrong on that but how can the board say they anticipate receiving a green light when the final decision has not been reached. How there been some handshaking behind closed doors?

    -- Posted by B Mullen on Mon, Aug 24, 2009, at 7:36 AM
  • I know...

    The money comes from the 1.3M that the city is cutting! What has WECRD done lately?

    -- Posted by Reserve ID on Mon, Aug 24, 2009, at 9:37 AM
  • It is "Mollienomics." SOS (same old stuff) on the WECRD front. Nobody should be shocked. If anyone thinks this sham is on hold...think again.

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Mon, Aug 24, 2009, at 3:05 PM
  • I can understand the new office furnature...a business/office does have to look professional; even non-profits and city offices need new equiment and furnature (especially if the stuff being used was donated old furnature)...even with tax payer money...but, I don't like the idea of my tax dollars maintaining the upkeep of a building that I might/or might not use! If I want that, I'll pay a membership! NOT BOTH!

    -- Posted by mhgirl on Wed, Aug 26, 2009, at 10:23 PM
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