AEHI, concerned about delays here, begins looking for other sites

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Alternate Energy Holdings, Inc., the company that has proposed to build a nuclear power plant in Elmore County, announced last week that "several Idaho counties and the state have recently offered lands for AEHI's nuclear plant following delays in local approval at the current site in Elmore County."

"Elmore County's delay has created a friendly competition for our plant," AEHI CEO and President Don Gillispie said. "I'm not sure what P and Z is really doing. The process is hard to figure now."

"We are now looking at two additional sites outside of the current county that may actually receive local approval before the existing site."

"AEHI's site engineering contractor is completing their assessments so we can move forward in a timely manner on these new nuclear plant locations."

State officials said, however, that no land has been identified or offered to the company. Officials at the governor's office, the state Office of Energy Resources and the state Department of Lands said no formal proposal has been received by AEHI.

See the Mountain Home News for the complete story.

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    So, if the state is saying theres no proposals for anywhere in the state, Im wondering where you are talking about Mr. Gillispie. Or are you trying to force the P/Z to make a haste decision, making them think you have other offers. Is this the last gasp of air for your shady company in this state, I hope so. Please pack up your snake oil wagon and be gone, we have more pressing issues to concern ourselves with; ie a money pit called WECRD.

    -- Posted by scoutin on Sun, Aug 16, 2009, at 10:46 AM
  • Scoutin:

    Sounds right on to me. Penny stock fraud is a serious federal crime. In my opinion, this whole thing may come to an official and abrupt end soon. All these guys including Col. Buce Wrong, Dug MacConnman, Done Gillispie, Jenni-far Rancid, Boise's Jim Tidbbits, along with a couple of da-itch Freund-ly as Hog land's Clay Aching's Owyhee County officials. And can we all say Aman and Lay-here together for law enforcement's role. In Elmore County it will likely include some Court knee big mac nickle highered KfCee Dirt-act at least, some Opera land state level officials, and at least one or-space current USAF officer. All these people will likely be doing the pokey-hokey in Federal Issue orange jump-suites. It will be interesting to see which rat jumps the soonest and highest to save their own skin. I am betting Dug MacConnman will be the first and fattest rat.

    All this while Done Gillispie has been setting up his China safe-house (read no extradition treaty). He will head there and leave the rest of the rats to try the ignorance plea when the Feds swoop in. Done won't be taking you all with him, that is for sure.

    In any event, we should soon be able to get on with real and positive nuclear energy proposals soon.

    -- Posted by ProNukes on Sun, Aug 16, 2009, at 12:47 PM
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    Guess when the tough gets going, the weak get to running. If AEHI needs any help packing, oh wait, they don't have an office in town, so it should only take them about 2 mins to get out. I have said many times, I support nuclear energy just not this shady company.

    -- Posted by B Mullen on Sun, Aug 16, 2009, at 3:14 PM
  • Y'all got me laughing now. Well said...peter

    -- Posted by DrPeterRickardsDPM on Sun, Aug 16, 2009, at 7:23 PM
  • Saw the writing on the wall long ago. It never would of happened anyway, just like War Eagle Speedway, AHEI is just another Northwest MotorSports!

    -- Posted by Reserve ID on Mon, Aug 17, 2009, at 12:09 PM
  • This tactic is what sports agents and developers use all the time. It's cowardly and speaks to the true motives behind the decision.

    -- Posted by twilcox1978 on Mon, Aug 17, 2009, at 12:11 PM
  • I can't blame them for looking at other sites. A year to figure out a simple rezone and the county just screws around. Maybe Elmore officials and all the other staunch "pro-nuke" people here like it that our school enrollment is falling, unemployment is rising and we can't meet service needs. Yeah, great idea, take a year for a simple rezone to drive out business. Great message.

    -- Posted by allthefactsplease on Thu, Aug 20, 2009, at 1:08 PM
  • Allthefacts:

    You must have missed a few facts with all of your research. Don is not going to save us. His application clearly states that the taxpayers will have to pay for improvements to roads, police, county services, etc. until such time as the plant becomes operational. So, for 10-20 years (or so) we (the taxpayers of EC) can plan to tote the note for Don's dream in the "HOPES" that it will pan out and we will not lose our shorts. In the meantime, we will need larger schools...for the people that may come during construction but will leave once it is done, more police because there will be extra people, more hotels to house people, more places to eat, etc. What happens when they all leave? Boom-bust. Who pays? We do because Don will get a HUGE property tax break which will cover 100% or nearly 100% of any property taxes due (per Idaho rules and regulations). So, I fail to see how this is such a great plan for the people of EC. I can see the tourist info now with the pictures of nuclear waste in the background as we ask people to come here to fish the Snake River! Oh wait! JOBS!!! Check out all of Don's shell companies (or his shell game if you prefer) and show me what they have done for anyone other than Don. None of it EVER pans out. So, do not put all of your nuclear waste in 1 basket and never trust a snake oil salesman who tells you "his snake does not bite."

    Give us the $5 million for the community center and a new wing on the Jr. High FIRST Don and then maybe we will believe what is on your web page and all that you plan to do for us, the people of EC (no, not really but we would be more than happy to take your money and then send you packing). Oh wait! You spent it all on fancy cars and a divorce. Too bad so sad. Do not let the door hit you and your "team" on the way out! We told you we would give you a run for OUR money. Never underestimate those that OPPOSE you.

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Thu, Aug 20, 2009, at 8:38 PM
  • Ooooops...1 more item. According to Don, they are beating his doors down to GIVE him free land. There is only 1 problem with that...he forgot to tell the state that bit "o" information first. Guess he never thought anyone would check out his story. Well...after the less than factual MIT story...

    "nuff said."

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Thu, Aug 20, 2009, at 8:42 PM
  • This is absolute fraud on the part of con artist Don Gillispie. He ripped me off and is in truth a very sadistic racist. Thanks.

    -- Posted by peopleknow on Mon, Sep 14, 2009, at 7:14 AM
  • Peopleknow, just curious, is the rif off you spoke of regarding the stock?

    -- Posted by GolfrChik on Fri, Sep 25, 2009, at 12:54 PM
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