Letter to the Editor

Prosecutor helped create rezone mess

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Dear editor:

Rezone, what a pickle you have gotten Elmore County in. Unfortunately Ms. Schindle does not have the experience or knowledge to give advice on land issues.

If you did not attend Monday's meeting for the rezone, you didn't miss much. Ok, you missed mass confusion.

The Commissioners walked away with stars in their eyes. So did the rest of the room.

Ms. Schindle did not have a clue of what she was doing. She did do some research and found the right answer on the rezone being limited but once questions started outside of that, she flopped.

What a mess. The Commissioners have referred it back to P&Z. The Commissioners make $3000 per month each, the P&Z per meeting and the Commissioners want them to do more research. What a joke.

Final comment, Arlie, if you followed the Bible like you follow the one line in the E.C. Comp plan, you surely would be a Saint.

Courtney Ireland