Letter to the Editor

Citizens should spend time obeying the local laws

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Dear editor:

As I walk through this fine community of ours I am amazed by how many people ignore the laws of our community.

The other night I saw a couple walking their dogs. They had four of them. I thought we had laws in the city about how many dogs one household can have? Now there might be other explanations for this situation, but I don't think so since I know these people and I'm pretty sure they have four dogs. They really are nice people, but my point is they choose to ignore the law because it doesn't fit their needs.

I think if you live in a community by choice you should obey the laws of that community.

Recently I have noticed many dogs running loose as well. Please, don't think I am a dog hater because I am not. It isn't the dog's fault they are running loose.

It seems dogs are quite predictable, their owners are a different story. I guess many of us wear a sign that says "out of my mind, be back in five minutes."

I urge all dog owners -- please be responsible. Respect your neighbors and the laws of this community.

I have also noticed a few people in our community who seem to not care if we have laws or not.

I refer to the loud noise coming from a lot of vehicles. I think some refer to it as "music." I assure you there are many more who do not refer to it as music. Again, I urge parents and young people, please obey the laws of this community. There are noise regulations for a reason. If I can hear your vehicle coming from five blocks away, probably you have something a little too loud.

Have you ever noticed that those who can least afford a particular thing are usually the ones who have it or do it? This is not 100 percent across the board. It is just that I have noticed it in a big percentage of the time. Those who can least afford to smoke, do. After 40 years or so they want to sue the tobacco company for giving them lung cancer. Those who can least afford to drink, do. When they get caught, they want to blame the police officer because he was just sitting there waiting just for them to get into their car and drive away. The fact that they endangered themselves and a big part of this community is not relevant.

We live in amazing times. Common sense is not so common. It seems a lot of us have "stopped to think and can't get started again."

Please remember summer is coming and a lot of us will be outside again trying to enjoy the great weather we have in Idaho. Let's all try real hard to respect our neighbors' privacy by not making too much noise and not allowing our animals to make too much noise.

Remember your small and large children as well. They can sometimes cause quite a commotion.

Mountain Home is a great community to live in. Let's all try hard to keep it that way.

I know I am going to try very hard to not let my dog bark excessively or my grandchildren be over loud or myself to become too loud as well. I challenge all of Mountain Home to do the same.

As you walk around this town of ours let's all try to pick up the trash we see. I pick up a bag full almost everyday. Please help keep Mountain Home beautiful.

Larry Heinen