County ready to adopt new zoning rules

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Elmore County is on the verge of a massive overhaul of its zoning ordinances, designed primarily to deal with the growing problems of urban sprawl in the county.

The revisions are so extensive that the new set of codes is being considered a virtual replacement for the old ordinances, county officials said.

The revisions are part of an effort that has been going on for more than three years by a subcommittee of the county planning and zoning commission, with assistance from a pair of consultants.

A public hearing before the Elmore County Commissioners on the changes will be held Jan. 26 at 6 p.m. in the commissioner's room in the basement of the courthouse.

See the Mountain Home News for more information.

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    If the rumours I have heard are correct, one of the so called consultants works for AEHI and this rezoning will allow his employer apply for a permit much easier. While the ECC may not feel this is a conflict of interest, I say if there is even a hint of conflict then something is not right.

    -- Posted by B Mullen on Wed, Jan 14, 2009, at 9:32 PM
  • Old guy, something hasn't been right with the Elmore County Commissioners in such a long, long, time...I am so tired.

    -- Posted by senior lady on Thu, Jan 15, 2009, at 10:15 AM
  • Old Guy,

    FYI the consultant who helped with the new zoning regulations did so long long before AEHI was even looking into our area. The proposed new ordinances were written by the Planning and Zoning Commission with only Elmore County's interest considered! There is NOT even a hint of conflict!!!!! The Planning and Zoning Commission did years of work to complete the proposed ordinances; the consultant only worked with them the last eight months, fine tuning format and continuity over content. Get the facts!

    -- Posted by Whyarentyoulistening? on Thu, Jan 15, 2009, at 1:08 PM
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    If you look at the first 3 words of my comment, I said it was a rumour I had heard. But if I read your comment correctly, the consultant that they hired to fine tune things does indeed work for AEHI. That would mean that he had insight to what the P&Z would be prosposing and could (not saying he did) have passed some of that information on to his primary employer. Still sounds somewhat fishy to me. I never said anything I had was FACTS but clarified it as rumour. I suggest you read things a little closer and get your facts straight before you try to attack someone.

    -- Posted by B Mullen on Thu, Jan 15, 2009, at 7:08 PM
  • First of all, Mr. Mark P. was working for Elmore County at the same time he was on the payroll of/for AEHI and he DID help to draft the new P & Z Ordinances and they have been re-drafted to make MANY things easy to get in with NO public input. Mark P. was also obtaining a TON of AEHI stock while he was working for Elmore County. So to say that this is all on the up and up is a buch of BS. Folks, attend the hearing---protect our rights. There is a letter from the P & Z attorney, Phil Miller, that states exactly what went on with all of this. Of course he found no conflict. However Boise had the same situation with Mark P. while he was a Boise City employee---they fired him and found what he was doing to be a conflict. Funny huh. That is Elmore County for ya.

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Thu, Jan 15, 2009, at 8:37 PM
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