Letter to the Editor

Nuke plant hearings needed security

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dear editor:

I'd like to respond to Jean Harter's letter about over-security. There are security personnel and screening procedures at big meetings like this nuke plant fiasco, for the same reasons there are now metal detectors in every courthouse in America. The dirtbag decisions that come from each.

When you see sheriff's deputies and the bailiff escorting a prisoner in and out of the court room, it's for HIS protection. Some slimeball molests a 5-year-old, his lawyer finds some technical loophole, the judge turns him loose and the courts don't want the good citizens to "set things right" on his way out the door.

No different with this nuke plant thing. They know a lot of people don't want it. They know there is resentment of outsiders coming in here for their own monetary gain, but the biggest resentment is that the common citizen here, really has no say at all.

Sure, they're holding "town hall meetings" on it. Looks good on paper, and the board can always say later, "hey, what do you want? We DID have open public meetings, didn't we?"

But without a BALLOT, where Elmore County residents would have the opportunity VOTE on whether or not a nuclear facility gets to live here with us, this is virtually a stacked deck and a done deal.

You BET folks are upset. THAT'S why all the security, just like at the court buildings. Know what they BOTH have in common? They're BOTH moderated by lawyers.

We started out as a Republic, then a democracy. I don't know what we have now, but the voice of the people is being ignored, and very arrogantly.

Mike Bradbury