Letter to the Editor

Money spent on our schools is money well spent, both yesterday and today

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Dear editor and citizens:

I will be voting for the school bond. It is my way of thanking all those before me who voted for school bonds, my grandparents, yours, our parents. They felt, even when money was tight, that money spent on schools was money spent for their children, for me and everyone like me. They were proud of the schools they gave to their children.

It is too late to thank most of those people personally for the education they provided for me. I will thank them, instead, by believing now what they believed then. I will vote for the best education this community can offer for our children. I will choose to believe that money spent for them is the best money I can spend.

I hope that someday the children and grandchildren of the students that pass through our schools now will thank me in just the same way, by believing in their own children and grandchildren, by believing that their money is best spent on them, by voting to build schools for them.

I want to believe that passing a school bond, building schools, is the first and best lesson anyone can offer to the next generation.

Jim Bird