Democrats urged to caucus

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Dear editor:

On behalf of the Idaho Democratic Party, I would like to extend an invitation to all Idaho voters who want to make a change in the way our government operates in Idaho and in Washington, D.C., to attend and participate in the Democratic Caucuses that will be occurring in all counties Feb. 5, 2008.

The caucuses are open to all Idaho voters who affirm their intention to vote this November as Democrats. Your friends, your neighbors and lots of good folks you haven't yet met (but will want to) will be there participating in true, grass roots democracy. We extend a special invitation to high school and college students -- you are eligible to participate if you will be 18 years of age on or before Nov. 4, 2008.

The George W. Bush administration has done serious damage to our nation both at home and abroad. Our blood and treasure have been squandered in a war whose purpose and justification changes like the seasons; our middle-class families are under attack from loss of jobs, lack of affordable medical insurance and ever increasing oil prices; our education system is in disarray and our respect and prestige in the world is at an all time low. We can and we must begin the long road back to good government and international respect this year and the Idaho Democratic Caucuses will be the first step on that road.

For further information about where your caucus will be held and how you can participate please go to We look forward to seeing you on Feb. 5.

R. Keith Roark, Chairman

Idaho Democratic Party

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