Letter to the Editor

Streeter has plan to solve dogfighting

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Dear editor:

Some of you may remember a time they would tie tomcats together and throw them over the clothesline. Or the cockfights people would wager a bet on. I've seen two people walking their dogs down the street and when they meet, encouraging the dogs to fight while on the leash until one of them was hurt pretty badly. Then there are the dogfights where they put two dogs in a cage to fight until one of them kills the other. The dog that survives the fight is clubbed to death. This is inhumane and should not be tolerated.

Let's take the two men involved in this type of activity and put them in a cage to fight until one of them is dead and then press charges against the survivor for murder and execute him. It's basically the same thing.

A dog is man's best friend and laws should be passed to protect them from this type of cruelty.

Jack Streeter