Summer reading program will feature Gov. and Mrs. Otter on July 17

Registration began Monday for the Mountain Home Public Library's Summer Reading Program, which will begin next week and last throughout July.
The theme this year is "Get a Clue @Your Library." Participants receive a book log to record their weekly reading and each week they can bring it in and receive a special prize for the week.
Family Nights will be held on Tuesdays from 5:30-7:30 p.m., beginning July 10, and those attending will be doing secret codes, invisible ink and "lots of other fun activities," organizers said.
The first Family Night will feature a presentation by the Mountain Home Police Department, who will create a "crime scene" to be solved. Participants will learn about fingerprints and other crime-solving techniques, and a bicycle safety class also will be available, as well as special prize drawings.
The July 17 Family Night will feature Idaho's First Lady, Lori Otter, reading to the children. She will be accompanied by her husband, Gov. Butch Otter, who read to the children last year to help launch the summer reading program. That night's activity also will focus on "secret codes."
July 24's Family Night will center around the theme of a "Mystery Caper," where participants, with the help of the Artopia group at the high school, will find a stolen art treasure.
The final Family Night, on July 31, features the popular annual Tortilla Making Night at Carl Miller Park.
Other summer reading program events will include a Quidditch match (from the Harry Potter books) on July 13, at Carl Miller Park, and a puppet show at the library (time to be announced).
The summer Story Time program also will be held every Wednesday at 11 a.m., beginning July 11.
For more information on programs and services call 587-4716 or visit the library website at: