Garden tour draws good crowds

The 11th Annual Garden Tour, sponsored by the Mountain Home Arts Council and Beta Zeta Civic Club, drew hundreds of area residents to seven highlighted area home gardens this past weekend.
Bright sunny skies showed off the brilliant colors of the gardens, which were displayed at the homes of Freida Jones, Dave and Debbie Sandberg, Lloyd and Peggy Hayes, M. Brett, Elena and Servando Vega, Henry and Linda Ashby, and the soon-to-be opened Dusty Rose Inn.
Artists from the Visual Arts Council were on hand in each of the gardens, drawing and painting scenes from the gardens. The artwork later was auctioned at the after-tour social in Basque Park to help raise funds for art scholarships for local youth. The artists who participated were: Charlotte Moody-Emerson, Marcus Mashburn, Bill Trueba, Cynthia Henstock, K.C. Duerig and Don Collins.
In addition to the artists, each garden also had a member of the University of Idaho Extension Office's Master Gardeners program on hand to answer questions about plants or gardening techniques.
More photos highlights of the garden tour can be found in the photo gallery.