Letter to the Editor

You can love country and criticize Bush

Monday, June 11, 2007

Dear editor:

Some comments on Jack Streeter's letter which appeared in your paper on May 23:

Love of country, for Americans, does not equate to love of the current president. Many of us believe that President Bush got us involved in an unjust, unnecessary and unwinnable war in Iraq. His decision to invade that country was based on questionable intelligence and false pretense.

This administration's domestic policies are geared to enhancing the wealth and power of the financially elite at the expense of the poor and middle class. Also, they show little respect for the Bill of Rights and very little competence in dealing with national emergencies.

I love my country and certainly won't leave it, but I strongly disagree with the performance of President Bush. To quote Patrick Henry: "If this be treason, make the most of it...."