Mayor outlines punishment for police chief

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Mayor Joe B. McNeal of Mountain Home announced last week his decision to retain Chief of Police Tom Berry, and the conditions he has set for Berry's continued employment.

On March 3 Berry pled guilty and was sentenced to Driving While Under the Influence.

"This was Chief Berry's first offense and he received a withheld judgment and community service with no jail time. My decision to retain him was based on the decision of the court, as well as Chief Berry's long history of strong leadership in his department," McNeal said.

The mayor emphasized Chief Berry's work in preventing gang activity, his success in expanding community policing and school resource work, and his efforts in drug prevention, investigation and enforcement.

"However, I have explained to Chief Berry that keeping his job is his second chance. There will be no third chances where alcohol is concerned. Chief Berry's DUI is a violation of the (city) personnel policy and the community's trust.

"In addition," the mayor said, "I cannot allow other city employees to believe that drinking and driving will be tolerated. Therefore, my disciplinary action is quite harsh. It includes lowering Chief Berry's annual salary along with probationary status until the end of the year, counseling and periodic alcohol testing.

"Also during that time Chief Berry has agreed that he will not drive after drinking in any amount, he will provide an instructional briefing to each department on the hazards of drinking and driving, and he will not visit establishments where the sale of alcohol is the primary activity."

"This has been a very difficult, very public time for Chief Berry and his family. He has given his permission for me to release this statement in the hope that it will put this issue to rest and we can get back to the business of improving our city."

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