Irrigation district water almost non-existent

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Shareholders of the Mountain Home Irrigation District have received notification that they will not be receiving water for irrigation this year.

A letter dated March 11, 2005, explains the situation.

"This year has been exceptionally dry weather with very little snow pack. The irrigation district is projecting little to no delivery of water for irrigation. The irrigation board met on March 1, with some shareholders present, and made a determination of how the little water stored in the reservoirs would be delivered. Assessment payments were also discussed and accounts in good standing, without any water delivery for the 2005 water season, will receive a rebate on next year's assessment. The board of directors took in much discussion and came up with a decision that they believe is best for the shareholders and the district.

"The shareholders on the West Side canal and the Miller canal, will not be receiving any water for the 2005 irrigation season. The reservoirs of Long Tom and Camas, which provide water for the West Side canal and the Miller canal are holding just enough water for delivery of the 1923 Bennett agreement. The Bennett agreement states that 475 acre feet must be delivered if there is enough water stored in the Mountain Home Irrigation District reservoirs. In 1934, a judge ruled that water for the Bennett contract must be delivered even in times of drought. If the district does not deliver the Bennett contract, the district is liable for all crop loss for that season. Upon overview of the Bennett contract and the court ruling in 1934 the board has determined that the contract will be honored. If the reservoirs gain enough water for the West Side and Miller canal to have water delivered, the district will deliver the water.

"The Mountain Home Reservoir is holding enough water for the delivery of ½ acre foot for the East Side canal. Since there is only ½ acre foot, the water will be delivered within a 30-day span. The date to begin delivery will be determined by the shareholders and the district. If you are a shareholder on the East Side canal, you must take delivery or lose the water. You are not eligible for the rebate on next year's assessment. If there is more water than ½ acre foot to deliver, it will be delivered.

"We all wish this was a much better water year for all of our shareholders. The decisions made were not easy for the board of directors, but we feel they were fair for all the shareholders and the district. If you have questions feel free to call the office."

The word came just as growers were preparing for this year's crops. For growers without the benefit of deep wells, it could mean a season of relying on Mother Nature to provide the needed moisture. Those with deep wells will have to pump and use sprinkler systems to irrigate crops, which can be extremely expensive.

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