Candidates field hard questions

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The Mountain Home Chamber of Commerce and the Mountain Home News partnered together on May 6th to bring voters a Political Forum, held at the Mountain Home Elks Lodge. Instead of trying to summarize what each candidate said, we have decided to bring you the forum in the style in which it was presented. You will see that the moderator asks the question that came from the audience and the candidates give answers to those questions. We apologize for the length of the story, but felt it was important for those unable to attend, to be able to make informed decisions.

Those in attendance were, Jimmy Schipani acting as moderator, Rob Beiswenger, Matt Bundy, Faye Thompson, Megan Blanksma, Christy Zito and Geoff Schroeder.

For the full story, pick up a copy of the Mountain Home News or click on this link to subscribe to the newspaper’s online edition.