Secretary of State attempts to increase voter engagement

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

April 25, 2024 Boise, Idaho – The Office of the Secretary of State announced the launch of a fun and engaging ad campaign promoting voter participation in the upcoming May primary election. The “Vote Idaho” ad campaign aims to educate voters throughout Idaho and remind Idahoans to vote.

The ad campaign will be featured on a variety of mediums, including television, radio, print, and digital platforms, to reach voters of all ages and backgrounds across the state. By highlighting interesting and lesser-known facts about the electoral process in Idaho, we hope to drive interest and enthusiasm among voters and encourage greater turnout and engagement in the primary election. The ad series can be viewed on and our official YouTube channel. Idaho Secretary of State Phil McGrane commented, “We’re excited to engage with voters with this fun and informative campaign. The goal of this campaign is to encourage more people to vote and make their voices heard in the upcoming election.

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