Idaho State Police Champions Responsible Practices in the Mobile Bar Industry

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Meridian, Idaho Dec. 28, 2023 - The rising popularity of mobile bars is revolutionizing the hospitality industry, introducing dynamic options for social gatherings, events, and celebrations. While these mobile bars add flair to community events, they also pose unique challenges for law enforcement and local regulatory bodies, demanding the right balance of oversight and public safety.

In the traditional landscape, alcohol sales and consumption operate under a licensed brick-and-mortar establishment, with exceptions for licensees to obtain catering permits for special events that are obtained through the city or county where the event is to be held. Mobile beer and wine bars recently emerged as innovative offsite solutions but come with specific regulations. As each alcohol license is separate and distinct and cannot be transferred, shared, or lent, only the brick-and-mortar store, with current employees operating it, may operate a mobile bar. It is a felony to operate a mobile bar and sell liquor without an appropriate license.

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